Assessing Warning Signs of Relapse in Drug Addicts: Translation and Validation of AWARE Questionnaire


Sahar Namood-E-,Naqvi Irum


Aim: To translate and validate Advance Warning of Relapse (AWARE) Questionnaire in to Urdu language for assessing relapse among drug addicts of Pakistan. Methods: The research comprises of translation of AWARE, temporal validation of translated scale, and its construct validation. Two items (22, 28) were modified keeping structural and functional equivalence. Sample for validation was obtained from rehabilitation centers of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, with age ranging from 18-60 years (M=29.3; SD=8.2). Temporal validity was determined by test-retest reliability. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was used to determine the valid factor structure, whose model fitness was assessed using Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Reliability was used to assess the internal consistency. Results: It was found that translated scale possess significant temporal validity (α= .81). EFA demonstrate a unifactorial structure (λ > .30) explaining variance of about 34.3%; such that four items (8, 14, 20, 26) were removed based on poor factor loadings. Indices of model fit through CFA confirm factor structure. Reliability of scale was also significant (α= .90). Conclusion: Findings suggested the reliable and valid nature of AWARE-Urdu to assess warning signs of relapse in drug addicts. Keywords: Warning signs, relapse, drug addicts, Urdu translation, validation, AWARE


Lahore Medical and Dental College

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