Hameed Farheen,Sajid Khan Muhammad,Imran Sana,Sadiq Muhammad Adnan,Sair Mohammad,Adil Raheela
Aim To study the comparative effect of acetaminophen with aqueous Neem leaf extract (Azadirachta Indica) and vitamin E mediated liver toxicity on the basis of liver enzymes. Methods: A total of sixty (60) Wistar rats of either sex were divided equally into four groups. Each groupwas made up of 15 animals. Group A was the control group. Animals in Group B were treated with a single oral dose of 2 mg / kg b / w Paracetamol. Group C animals with 500 mg / kg b / w oral Neem extract for 15 days with oral administration of 2 mg / kg b / w oral Paracetamol. In Group D, animals received the same dose of Paracetamol and 100 mg / kg b / w intra-peritoneal vitamin E for 15 days, respectively. The liver enzymes ALT,AST, and ALP were then evaluated. Data was analyzed using SPSS Version 20.0 with level of significance being kept at p-value ≤0.05 Results: In the 4 groups, The ALT values were 22.8 (Group A), 100 (Group B), 29.11 (Group C), and 31.16 U/L (Group D). The AST values were 25 (Group A), 40 (Group B), 20 (Group C), and 15 (Group D) U/L. The ALP values were 220 (Group A), 445 (Group B), 242 (Group C), and 244 (Group D) U/L. There was significant increase in liver enzymes were found in Group B after induction of Paracetamol toxicity, however, hepatoprotective effects could be seen in the intervention Group C and D Conclusion: Azadirachta Indica and Vitamin E showed hepatoprotective effects on the Wistar rats that were subjected to Paracetamol Key words: Azadirachta Indicaleaf extract, Vitamin E, Paracetamol, Wistar rats
Lahore Medical and Dental College