Frequency of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytological Category C5 in Breast Lesions among Females of Various Age Groups


Yaseen S.,Ali M.,Mahmood F.,Mudassar S.,Nisar U.


Background: Benign as well as malignant neoplasm of breast still appears to be the prime tumour among females and the prevalence of the disease is increasing all over the countries. The likelihood of emergence of breast neoplasm is linked to a number of factors i.e. reproductive life events and the factor of lifestyle that modify levels of endogenous sex hormones. One of most important risk factors is growing old age. Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is a least traumatic, reliable simple, complication free technique and economical for the diagnosis of mass lesions. It can be easily repeated if an adequate aspirate is not obtained. Aim: To determine the frequency of cytological category of FNAC C5 of breast lesion among different age groups. Study Design: Cross sectional comparative research study Place and Duration of Study: Department of Histopathology, Shaikh Zayed Hospital, Lahore from 21st January 2016 to 22nd September 2016. Methodology: One hundred and twenty female patients selected who presented with complain of palpable lesion in breast and was correlated with physical examination recording the size and consistency of mass. The procedure was performed on patients with complete clinical and radiological work up. After preparation of direct smear, slides were processed according to routine processing and then stained with H&E and Giemsa. Results: Thirty (25.80%) were between 18-30 age group while 42(35.00%), 47(39.20%) were between 31-45 and 46-60 age groups respectively. Though majority of FNAC cases were found in age group 31–45 but there was no significant difference among three groups by age. Conclusion: Malignancy in palpable breast masses can surely be diagnosed by a combination of clinical examination of breast and FNAC which when performed by a dedicated cytopathologist should be an integral part of a breast screening service. Middle age group had highest frequency but difference was insignificant. Keywords: Fine needle aspiration cytology, Palpable breast lesions, Age groups


Lahore Medical and Dental College







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