Determine the Frequency of Sensorineural Deafness in Children with Cerebral Palsy


Magsi A. G.,Rehman M. U.,Soomro F. A.,Ahmed Z.,Memon A. Q.


Aim: To determine the frequency of sensorineural deafness in child with cerebral palsy. Study Design: Descriptive/cross-sectional Place and Duration of Study: Department of Neurology, Chandka Medical College Hospital, Larkana from 1st October 2020 to 31st March 2021. Methodology: One hundred and seventy patients of both genders age between 1-14 years were enrolled. Children diagnosed as having cerebral palsy and fulfilling the inclusion criteria was included. Hearing assessment was done with audiometry and degree of hearing loss was recorded in both ears in the form of mild, moderate, severe and profound degree of hearing loss. Results: Most of the patients 90 (52.94%) were between 1-5 years old followed by 51(30%) patients between 5-10 years with mean age of 4.8±7.8 years. 115 (67.65%) cases were males and 55 (32.35%) females. 54 (31.8%) cases had microcephaly and116 (68.2) cases had normal head circumference. Among 170 cases of cerebral palsy 48 (28.23%) cases had hearing loss and 122 (71.77%) of patients of CP had no hearing deficit. Among 48 cases of CP with hearing loss 15 (31.25%) cases had mild, 14 (29.17) cases had moderate, 10 (20.83%) had severe and 11 (22.92%) cases had profound hearing loss. Conclusion: The frequency of sensorineural deficit is high and significantly associated with cerebral palsy patients. Keywords: Degree of hearing loss, Sensorineural hearing loss, Cerebral palsy


Lahore Medical and Dental College







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