Examination of University Students' Nomophobia, Coping with Stress, and Anger Expression Styles


Kıvrak Ali Osman


Aim: With this study, it is aimed to examine the nomophobia, coping with stress and anger expression styles of university students. Methods: A total of 532 university students (n=201 female; n=331 male) participated in the study. While the personal information form created by the researcher was used for socio-demographic data, the nomophobia scale developed by Yıldırım and Correia (2015) and adapted into Turkish by Yıldırım et al. (2016) for smartphone addiction, Anger Expression Style Scale, developed by Spielberger et al. (1983) and adapted to Turkish by Özer (1994), was used to determine anger expression styles, and the "Stress Coping Style Scale", which was developed by Folkman and Lazarus (1980) and adapted into Turkish by Şahin and Durak (1995), was used to determine stress coping styles. The homogeneity and variances of the data were tested, Independent Samples t Test was used for pairwise comparisons, One Way Anova was used for multiple comparisons, and Tukey HSD test was used to determine the source of difference. Results: While no statistical change was observed in the dimensions of coping with anger and stress depending on the gender factor, it was determined that the mean value of males was statistically higher than that of females in all nomophobia dimensions (p<0.05). There was no statistical change in the values of anger, nomophobia and coping with stress depending on the age and accommodation factors of the students. Conclusion: Today, the fact that female and male are closer to each other in respect of social status and social roles can be seen as the reason for the similarity in the values of anger expression and coping with stress. Results related to high nomophobia of males values can be evaluated as they are more addicted to smartphones than females. Keywords: Nomophobia, University Student, Stress, Anger


Lahore Medical and Dental College








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