Frequency of Placenta Previa in Scarred and Non Scarred Uterus


Javed Amna,nissa Fakharu,Hussain Samar,Zaidi Sabahat Ali,Ashraf Naim,Fatima Syeda Tahseen


Introduction: An obstetric complication, Placenta Previa usually arises in the, second and. third. pregnancy trimester. This may result in serious nature of it may cause serious incidences and death rate to the mother. There is a huge risk of placenta accreta, in the pregnant women having placenta previa and prior history of cesarean. Objective: To the frequency of placenta Previa in patients coming to a tertiary care unit with previously scarred and non-scarred uterus. Material & Method Study design: Descriptive Cross Sectional Study Settings: Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, Lahore General Hospital, Lahore. Duration: Six months i.e. 1st July 2021 to 31st December 2021 Data Collection procedure: 144 sample size was calculated with 80% power of test and 5% level of significance by taking expecting 5%. Female present with age of 20-40 years with scarred and non-scarred uterus and singleton pregnancy and Gestational age 28 weeks and onwards were included. Second trimester bleeding & scars, primi gravidas patients were excluded from the study. Complete history was taken regarding parity, age &duration of gestation. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 24. For qualitative data like Age groups, Gravidy, previous section was presented as frequency & percentages. For quantitative data like age was presented as mean and SD was calculated. Results: 144 females were included; the mean age was 32.23 ± 12.34 years. Mostly females were belonging to 26-30 years 66(45.8%). Gestational age revealed that 20(13.8%) were between 28-32 weeks, 30(20.83%) were 31-35 gestation week and 94(65.2%) were 36-40 weeks of gestation. Placenta Previa found in previously scarred uterus was 98(68.05%), while it was 46 had previous vaginal delivery. About gravidity, 80 patients were between G2-G4, 54 were between G5-G7 and only 10 were more than G7. Conclusion: Frequency of placenta previa is higher in scared uterus in our study than non-scared uterus. Key words: Pregnancy, Placenta Previa, Frequency, Scarred


Lahore Medical and Dental College







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