Is Barotrauma an Important Factor in the Discard Mortality of Yellow Perch?


Knight Carey T.1,Kraus Richard T.2,Panos Demetra A.2,Gorman Ann Marie1,Leonhardt Benjamin S.1,Robinson Jason3,Thomas Michael4


1. C.T. Knight, A.M. Gorman, B.S. LeonhardtOhio Department of Natural Resources, Fairport Fisheries Station, 1190 High Street 305, Fairport Harbor, Ohio 44077Present address of B.S. Leonhardt: Purdue University, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, 195 Marstellar Street, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907

2. R.T. Kraus, D.A. PanosU.S. Geological Survey, Lake Erie Biological Station, 6100 Columbus Avenue, Sandusky, Ohio 44870

3. J. RobinsonNew York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Lake Erie Fisheries Research Unit, 178 Point Drive North, Dunkirk, New York 14048

4. M. Thomas (retired)Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Lake St. Clair Fisheries Research Station, 33135 South River Road, Harrison Township, Michigan 48045


Abstract In physoclistous fishes, barotrauma caused by rapid decompression during capture may be an important source of fishing mortality that is unquantified for some fisheries. We developed a predictive logistic model for barotrauma incidence in Yellow Perch Perca flavescens and applied this model to Ohio's recreational and commercial fisheries in Lake Erie where fisheries managers implicitly consider discard mortality to be negligible in current stock assessment. As expected, capture depth explained most of the variation in incidence, with comparatively small effects of season, sex, and size categories. Measurements of whole body and gonad density provided limited explanation for the categorical effects. Both fisheries spanned a range of depths (7.6 to 16.8 m) that corresponded to a broad range of barotrauma incidence (13 to 74%). Using a recent example, we estimated that additional fishing mortality due to barotrauma in discards was approximately six-fold higher in the commercial than recreational fishery. Overall, this additional mortality was <1% of lake-wide population size estimates. Thus, the assumption that all discarded Yellow Perch survive is unlikely to result in a detectable bias in population estimates. One caveat is that we still do not understand how strong year-classes might influence discard mortality via increased discard rate and barotrauma incidence for small fish.


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


Nature and Landscape Conservation,Animal Science and Zoology,Ecology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics







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