1. American Association of Colleges of Nursing (1998)The essentials of baccalaureate education. Washington, DC.
2. American Institutes for Research (2002)Teaching Cultural Competence in Health Care:A review of current concepts, policies and practices. Report prepared for the Office of Minority Health, Washington, DC.
3. Barnes LL (2004)Concept Paper: Culturally competent care.Commissioned for the Consensus Building Meeting for the Culturally competent Nursing Modules project, Office of Minority Health.Washington, DC: American Institutes for Research.
4. Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for Communication Programs (2002)Questionnaire for Values Clarification. Johns Hopkins.
5. Gilbert MJ (Ed.) (2002)Principles and Recommended Standards for Cultural Competence Education of Health Care Professionals. The California Endowment, Los Angeles CA.