1. Australian House of Representatives Inquiry. (2003).Every picture tells a story. Report of the inquiry into child custody arrangements in the event of family separation. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia, LawPrint Communications.
2. Australian Law Reform Commission. (1997a).Seen and heard. Priority for children in the legal process. (Report No. 84). Canberra: Australian Government Printing Service.
3. Australian Law Reform Commission. (1997b).Review of the adversarial system of litigation. Re-thinking Family Law. (Issues Paper No. 22). Canberra: Australian Government Printing Service.
4. Broun, M. (1985). The legal and ethical implications of acting for children. Paper delivered to the First national Workshop on Children and Family Law. Continuing Legal Studies, Monash University, April. (For a critical analysis see Moloney, L. (1985).
5. Kelly, J. & Moloney, L. (2002).Working with high parental conflict. Melbourne, La Trobe University, Centre for Online and Multi-media Educational Technologies.