1. Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza: Roma, Lazio, IT
Recent studies highlighted deep-penetration prop-erties of inhomogeneous waves at the interface between a loss-less and a lossy medium. Such waves can be generated bymeans of radiating structures known as Leaky-Wave Anten-nas (LWAs). Here, a different approach is proposed basedon the use of a lossy prism capable to generate an inhomo-geneous wave when illuminated by a homogeneous wave. Thelossy prism is conceived and designed thinking of Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR). The results achieved by the lossyprism will be compared with those obtained by means of a pre-viously designed LWA that was created with the identical ob-jective. The approach of this paper is purely theoretical, andit aims at providing basic ideas and preliminary results usefulfor an innovative LWA design.
European Cooperation in Science and Technology
National Institute of Telecommunications
Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Computer Networks and Communications
Cited by
2 articles.