Innovativeness Unveiled: Exploring Concept and Shaping Conditions in Personnel Function


Myjak Teresa


Background: Innovativeness concerns various organisational aspects and manifests at different social life levels. Innovativeness has its source in the intensity of changes inside and outside the organisation. Many terms for innovativeness revolve around two keywords: ability and inclination. Research objectives: The paper aims to explain the concept of innovativeness and to recognise the conditions shaping it according to respondents. It also examines conditions affecting the implementation of personnel functions in the surveyed enterprises. Research design and methods: Empirical data were obtained using the survey technique using the author's questionnaire survey form. Empirical research has been characterised by the object and subject of research and research time and space. Results: Most respondents generally understand innovativeness as the ability to introduce changes in the personnel area, which partially confirmed the first research hypothesis. No significant discrepancies were observed regarding the conditions that cause or even force the use of innovative ways of performing the personnel function and specific tools in this functional area of the enterprise. Conclusions: The theoretical considerations and empirical research presented on their basis allowed us to determine how the concept of "innovativeness" is understood in the personnel area. The respondents, representing enterprises of all sizes located in different parts of the Malopolska Region and with different scales of operations, also perceived innovativeness differently.


Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie - Krakow University of Economics

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