Jerônimo Edilaine Oliveira da Costa,Gomes Manuela São José,Vicente Eliane Cristina,Tempest Leandro Moreira
Introduction: Odontoma, or harmatoma, is one of the most common benign odontogenic anomalies affecting individuals in the first two decades of life, sometimes later. As for etiology, the literature reports that trauma, infection, or genetic alterations may be involved. Diagnosis is made through routine imaging exams and the findings can be classified as compound or complex odontomas. The treatment is surgical and may include orthodontics and endodontics as co-participants. Objective: To establish criteria for the diagnosis and treatment of this pathology, which is of great relevance to general practitioners and other related areas. Methodology: The criteria for diagnosis and treatment of this pathology, obtained in the light of the scientific knowledge available in the various nationally and internationally recognized scientific media, are discussed here. Conclusion: It can therefore be concluded that the semiotechnique involved, the early diagnosis involved both locally and structurally, as well as the treatment plan often involving inter- and multidisciplinarity, will decisively result in a favorable prognosis provided that all the criteria in the scientific bases compiled here are met.
South Florida Publishing LLC
Reference29 articles.
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