1. ENDO, T. (1965): On primary production in the Seto Inland Sea, I. Primary production and hydrographic condition. Jour. Fac. Fish. Anim. Husb. Hiroshima Univ., 6, 85-100. (In Japanese with English summary)
2. HIROTA, R. (1961): Zooplankton investigations in the Bingo-nada region of the Setonaikai (Inland Sea of Japan). Jour. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., Ser. B, Div. 1, 20, 83-145.
3. HIROTA, R. (1964): Zooplankton investigations in Hiuchi-nada in the Setonaikai (Inland Sea of Japan), I. The seasonal occurrence of copepods at the three stations in Hiuchi-nada. Jour. Oceanogr. Soc. Japan, 20, 24-31.
4. HIROTA, R. and T. ENDO (1965): On primary production in the Seto Inland Sea, II. Primary production and plankton. Jour. Fac. Fish, Anim. Husb. Hiroshima Univ., 6, 101-132. (In Japanese with English summary)
5. INABA, A. (1963): Fauna and flora of the Inland Sea of Seto. 352 pp., Mukaishima M. B. S.