1. ABE, T. 1954-1955. New, rare or uncommon fishes from Japanese waters. V. Notes on the rare fishes of the suborders Stromateoidei and Tetragonuroidei (BERG). Jap. Journ. Ichth., iii, pp.170, 178, 192, 222, 246, 255, 256 (1954); the rest under press.
2. ARIOLA, V. 1912. Nuovo: pisce abissale del Golfo di Geneva (Cubiceps capensis SMITH). Riv. Mens. Pesca, Pavia, vii, pp.185-192, pl. Not seen in the original.
3. BARNARD, K. H. 1925, 1927. A monograph of the marine fishes of South Africa. Ann. S. Afr. Mus., xxi, pt. 1 (1925), pp.1-418, pls. 1-17; pt. 2 (1927), pp.419-1065, pls. 18-37. 1948. Further notes on South African marine fishes. Ann. S. Afr. Mus., xxxvi, pt. 5, pp. 341-406, pls. 9-13.
4. FOWLER, H. W. 1938. The fishes of the George VANDERBILT South Pacific Expedition, 1937. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. Monogr. no. 2, viii+349 pp., 12 pls.
5. GILCHRIST, J. D. F. 1922. Note on the oesopharyngeal teeth of the stromateidae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (9) ix, pp.249-255.