Aim: The relationship between ischemic demaged brain area and upon clinical symptoms on patients have been shown in previous postmortem studies but not living. The aim of study is to evaluate. ischemic demaged brain areas obtained from patient’s magnetic resonans (MR) and computational tomography (CT) images and correlate them with clinical symptoms of patients.
Material And Methods: For this purpose, patients’ images were evaluated and results were correlated with reported clinical findings of patients. Correlation has already been detected between damaged areas and clinical symptoms significantly. Damaged areas in the brain can be detected by performed cranial imaging methods. At the same time, localization of ischemic areas can be made by neurological examination. So far, many functional brain areas have been investigated by this way. But, this determination was usually made on postmortem cases.
Results: In present study, correlation between images evaluation and clinical symptoms was made in the first time.
Conclusions: Present study results can be source for the computational neuroscience related with brain surgery. It can open the way of new researches in the clinical and basic sciences
Balikesir Medical Journal
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