Grounds for Appealing to the FAS Russia the Decisions and Orders of the Territorial Antimonopoly Service by a Person Who Was not Involved in the Case


Moskvitin O. A.1


1. “Muranov, Chernyakov & partners” law firm; Competition policy and market regulation Institute of the National Research University of the Higher School of Economics; Competition Experts Association


The legal grounds and conditions for the legality of appealing decisions or orders of its territorial departments to the collegial body of the FAS Russia by persons who did not participate in the consideration of the case occupy a special place. (departmental appeal). The conditions for the exercise of the right to departmental appeal for interested parties have been determined. In the author’s opinion, the right to appeal the decision and (or) the order of the territorial body to the FAS Russia is also held by the entities, although not involved in the case, but meeting the criteria provided for in Article 42 of the Law on the Protection of Competition.


The Centre for Education and Methodics of the FAS Russia

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