The Archaean gneiss complex of northern Labrador A review of current results, ideas and problems


Bridgwater D.1,Schiøtte L.1


1. Geological Museum, University of Copenhagen


1. The early Archaean rocks in northern Labrador can be subdivided into the ea. 3.78 Ga Nulliak supracrus­tal association, the migmatitic Uivak I gneisses, the dominant phase of which was emplaced at ea. 3.73 Ga, and the Uivak II augen gneiss. Inherited low-U rounded inclusions within igneous zircons in the Uivak I gneisses have ages between 3.73 and 3.86 Ga and are more likely to have been derived from a pre-existing high-grade metamorphic gneiss complex than from the Nulliak association. In the early Archaean there were probably several rapid cycles of sedimentary deposition and volcanism followed by emplacement of major plutons. Mid Archaean gneisses are more abundant in northern Labrador than previously realised. The late Archaean metamorphic history of these gneisses is different from the history of the early Archaean gneisses. Whereas an important part of the mid Archaean suite was emplaced in granulite facies and retrogressed at the time of granitoid veining at ea. 2.99 Ga, the major part of the early Archaean rocks were reworked under granulite facies conditions in a sequence of closely spaced events between 2. 7 and 2.8 Ga. The two groups of gneisses had different metamorphic histories until ea. 2.7 Ga, but late and post-tectonic granites of 2.5- 2. 7 Ga age cut across both. It is suggested that the terrane model in southern West Greenland can be extended to Labrador and that tectonic intercalation of early and mid Archaean gneisses took place around 2.7 Ga. Correlation between the Maggo gneisses around Hopedale, mid Archaean gneisses in northernmost Labrador and gneisses from the Akia terrane in West Greenland is suggested. Like the Malene supracrustals in West Greenland the Upernavik supracrustals in Labrador are composite associations, the youngest of which are thought to have been deposited around 2. 7 Ga.


Geological Society of Denmark



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