1. 1) White House: Chapter Four: A Week of Crisis (August 29-September 5), The Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina Lesson Learned, 2006 https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/reports/katrina-lessonslearned/chapter4.html-whitehouse.archives.gov/reports/katrinalessons-learned/ (accessed 2023.8.5)
2. 2) Japan Cabinet Office: Investigative Committee for Implementation of Wide-Area Evacuation Measures in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area (in Japanese) 内閣府:首都圏における広域的な避難対策の具体化に向けた検討会, https://www.bousai.go.jp/fusuigai/suigaiworking/kouikihinan.html (accessed 2023.8.5)
3. 3) Kinki Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism: Osaka Large-Scale Urban Flood Damage Countermeasure Study Group (in Japanese) 国土交通省近畿地方整備局:大阪大規模都市水害対策検討会, https://www-1.kkr.mlit.go.jp/bousai/sonae/oosakadaikibo/index05.htm (accessed 2023.8.5)
4. 4) Chubu Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism: Tokai Netherlands Storm Surge and Flood Area Council (in Japanese) 国土交通省中部地方整備局:東海ネーデルランド高潮・洪水地域協議会, https://www.cbr.mlit.go.jp/kawatomizu/tokai_nederland/ (accessed 2023.8.5)
5. 5) Katsushika Ward: Flood-Resistant Urban Area Concept, pp.22, 2019 (in Japanese) 葛飾区:浸水対応型市街地構想, pp.22, 2019