1. 1) Elzawahry, A. (1991) Encompassed Rural Villages into Cities; Special Concern with Greater Cairo, Un-published master thesis. Architecture Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University.
2. 2) Sadek, A. (1989) Rural Areas Encompassed by Urban Areas; A Case of Giza Governorate, Un-published master thesis. Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University.
3. 3) Hareedy, A. and Deguchi, A. (2009) Rural Villages Encompassed into Urbanized Areas of Egyptian Developing Cities. Journal of Architecture and Urban Design, Kyushu Univ., Vol.16, pp.47-59.
4. 4) Encyclopedia Britannica. Rural village definition. Available at: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/629051/village.
5. 5) ESA, Egyptian Survey Authority (2009) Maps for Old Delta Villages.