1. 1) Cabinet Secretariat, Government of Japan: Report on the Implementation of the Declaration of a New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Emergency, COVID-19 Information and Resources, 2020.6 (in Japanese) 内閣官房:新型コロナウイルス感染症緊急事態宣言の実施状況に関する報告, 新型コロナウイルス感染症対策推進室, 2020.6, https://corona.go.jp/news/news_20200421_70.html (accessed 2020.12.07) (参照 2020.12.07)
2. 2) Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport: White Paper on Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism in Japan, 2020.8 (in Japanese) 国土交通省:令和2年版国土交通白書, 2020.8, https://www.mlit.go.jp/statistics/file000004.html (accessed 2020.12.07) (参照 2020.12.07)
3. 3) Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare: Rest and Mental Health, 2000 (in Japanese) 厚生労働省:休養・こころの健康, 2000 https://www.mhlw.go.jp/www1/topics/kenko21_11/b3.html (accessed 2020.12.07) (参照 2020.12.07)
4. 4) Cabinet Office: Annual Report on the Ageing Society, 2018 (in Japanese) 内閣府:平成30年版高齢社会白書, 2018 https://www8.cao.go.jp/kourei/whitepaper/w-2018/html/zenbun/s1_3_2_1.html (accessed 2020.12.07) (参照 2020.12.07)
5. 5) National Center for Child Health and Development: “COVID-19 x Children's Questionnaire” First Survey Report,2020.6 (in Japanese) 国立成育医療研究センター:「コロナ×こどもアンケート」第1回調査報告書, 2020.6 https://www.ncchd.go.jp/center/activity/covid19_kodomo/report/report_01.html (accessed 2020.12.07) (参照 2020.12.07)