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3. 3) Jeong, M. and Furuya, N. : The Change of The Space Characteristic Accompanying Modernization of Yami's Dwelling in Orchid Island of Taiwan -Research on the evaluation method of the settlement space by quantification of a vision Part2-, Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ), Vol. 69, No. 578, pp. 17-24, 2004.4 (in Japanese) 鄭ミン静, 古谷誠章 : 台湾蘭嶼島ヤミ族住居の近代化における住居空間の変容について-視界の定量化による集落空間の評価手法の研究(その2)-, 日本建築学会計画系論文集, 第69巻, 第578号, pp. 17-24, 2004.4
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