1. 1) Fire and Disaster Management Agency : Present situation of the local disaster prevention administration, http://www.fdma.go.jp/disaster/chihoubousai/pdf/27/genkyo.pdf (accessed 2019.11.23) (in Japanese) 総務省 : 地方防災行政の現況
2. 2) Fire and Disaster Management Agency : Guidance on maintenance of disaster information transmission means, http://www.fdma.go.jp/html/data/tuchi2803/pdf/280407-1.pdf (accessed 2019.11.23) (in Japanese) 総務省消防庁 : 災害情報伝達手段の整備等に関する手引き
3. 3) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications : States of development of disaster administrative radio system, https://www.tele.soumu.go.jp/j/adm/system/trunk/disaster/change/index.htm?print (accessed 2019.11.23) (in Japanese) 総務省 : 市町村防災無線等整備状況
4. 4) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications : Recent trend of the disaster communication means, http://www.soumu.go.jp/main_content/000525713.pdf (accessed 2019.11.23) (in Japanese) 総務省 : 災害情報伝達手段の最近の動向
5. 5) Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism : Current status and issues regarding participatory city development, https://www.mlit.go.jp/singikai/infra/city_history/city_planning/jisedai/1/shiryou6.pdf (accessed 2020.5.17) (in Japanese) 国土交通省 : 参加型まちづくりに関する現状と課題