

KOBAYASHI Masahito1,USAMI Takanori2,EHARA Ryo2,KAWAKAMI Yoshitsugu3,FUJIMORI Satoru4


1. School of Science and Technology, Meiji Univ.

2. Graduate School of Science and Technology, Meiji Univ.

3. Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima Institute of Technology

4. Structural Design Div., MHS Planners, Architects & Engineers


Architectural Institute of Japan


Building and Construction,Architecture

Reference13 articles.

1. 1) Kobayashi, M., Moriya, A., Fujimori S.: A Research of Seismically Isolated Buildings in the Expected Flooded Area by a Tsunami Due to Nankai Trough Earthquake, AIJ Journal of Technology and Design, Vol. 22, No.50, pp.133-136, 2016 (in Japanese) 小林正人, 守屋有菜, 藤森智:南海トラフ地震を想定した津波浸水予想地域内の免震建物調査, 日本建築学会技術報告集, 第22 巻, 第50 号, pp.133-136, 2016 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.3130/aijt.22.133 )

2. 2) Kobayashi, M., Hattori, A., Fujimori S.: A Proposal of the Evaluation Criteria of Structural Safety for Seismically Isolated Buildings against Tsunami Load, AIJ Journal of Technology and Design, Vol. 23, No.53, pp.71-76, 2017 (in Japanese) 小林正人, 服部龍太朗, 藤森智:津波荷重に対する免震建物の構造安全性評価基準の提案, 日本建築学会技術報告集, 第 23 巻, 第 53 号 pp.71-76, 2017 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.3130/aijt.23.71 )

3. 3) The Japan Society of Seismic Isolation: Menshintatemono niokeru tai tsunami kozo sekkei manyuaru, 2020 (in Japanese) 一般社団法人日本免震構造協会:免震建物における対津波構造設計マニュアル, 2020

4. 4) Kinoshita, T., Yamamoto, M., Inoue S., Sone, T.: Basic Study of Tsunami Loads Acting on a Seismically Isolated Building based on 3D Fluid Analysis Part2; Tsunami Loads Acting on an Isolated Building Model, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, Structure Ⅱ, pp.641-642, 2021 (in Japanese) 木下貴博, 山本雅史, 井上修作, 曽根孝行:3 次元流体解析による免震建物に作用する津波荷重についての基礎的研究(その 2)免震建物モデルを用いた検討, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集, 構造Ⅱpp.641-642, 2021

5. 5) Kinoshita, T., Inoue S., Kamoshita N., Sone T., Yamamoto M., akayama M., Morita K.: Tsunami Experiment Using Building Models with an Isolation Layer Part1; Outline of Experiment and Results, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, Structure Ⅰ, pp.47-48, 2022 (in Japanese) 木下貴博, 井上修作, 鴨下直登, 曽根孝行, 山本雅史, 高山峰夫, 森田慶子:免震層を有する建物模型を用いた津波実験 その 1 実験の概要と結果, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集, 構造Ⅰ, pp.47-48, 2022








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