1. 1) Japanese Standards Association : Japanese Industrial Standard, Ready-mixed concrete, JIS A 5308, Revised 2014.3 (in Japanese)
(財)日本規格協会:JIS A 5308 レディーミクストコンクリート, 2014.3
2. 2) Japanese Standards Association : Japanese Industrial Standard, Recycled aggregate class H for concrete, JIS A 5021, Revised 2011.5 (in Japanese)
(財)日本規格協会:JIS A 5021 コンクリート用再生骨材H, 2011.5
3. 3) Japanese Standards Association : Japanese Industrial Standard, Concrete using recycled aggregate class M, JIS A 5022, Revised 2012.7 (in Japanese)
(財)日本規格協会:JIS A 5022 再生骨材Mを用いたコンクリート, 2012.7
4. 4) Japanese Standards Association : Japanese Industrial Standard, Concrete using recycled aggregate class L, JIS A 5023, Revised 2012.7 (in Japanese)
(財)日本規格協会:JIS A 5023 再生骨材Lを用いたコンクリート, 2012.7
5. 5) Architectural Institute of Japan : Recommendation for mix design, production and construction practice of concrete with recycled concrete aggregate, 2014 (in Japanese)
日本建築学会:再生骨材を用いるコンクリートの設計・製造・施工指針(案), 2014.10