1. 1) Japan Meteorological Agency: Seasonal weather of Japan (in Japanese) 気象庁 | 日本の季節の天候 (jma.go.jp) https://www.data.jma.go.jp/gmd/cpd/longfcst/seasonal/seasonal_201808.html, (参照 2022.4.1)
2. 2) Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology: The occurrence situation of the heat stroke under the management of school, Appendix 1 (in Japanese) 別紙 1 学校の管理下における熱中症の発生状況 (mext.go.jp) , https://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/kenko/anzen/icsFiles/afieldfile/2019/05/28/1417343_01.pdf(参照 2022.4. 1)
3. 3) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications: The news document “Correspondence with the 2018 fiscal supplementary budget (no.1) and so forth” (in Japanese) 総務省:報道資料「平成 30 年度補正予算(第 1 号)に伴う対応等」https://www.soumu.go.jp/main_content/000579146.pdf(参照 2022.7.1)
4. 4) Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; The setting situation of air conditioning facilities onto public school facilities, Press releases of MEXT, 2020.9 (in Japanese) 文部科学省;公立小中学校の空調(冷房)設備率の推移 https://www.mext.go.jp/content/20210316-mxt_sisetujo-000013462_02.pdf, (参照2020.5.30)
5. 5) Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism: Measures against sick house syndrome based on Japan's Building Standards Act (in Japanese) 国土交通省, 建築基準法に基づくシックハウス対策について, https://www.mlit.go.jp/jutakukentiku/build/jutakukentiku_house_tk_000043.html, (参照 2022.3.20)