

OISHI Kensuke1,FUJII Kenichi2,KONDO Yasushi2


1. Mitsubishi Jisho Design Inc.

2. Dept. of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Design, Tokyo City University


Architectural Institute of Japan


Environmental Engineering

Reference10 articles.

1. 1) Tamon YAGIHASHI:Examination of Saving Energy of the Boiler using Nomograph, Journal of Japan Boiler Association, Vol.380, pp.13-19, 2013.8 八木橋多聞:ノモグラフを用いたボイラー省エネルギーの検討, ボイラ研究, 第 380 号, pp13-19,2013.8

2. 2) Robert Cichowiczl, Artur Stelegowski : The distribution of air temperature and velocity in the selected boiler room, 10th Conference on Interdisciplinary Problems in Environmental Protection and Engineering EKO-DOK 2018, E3S Web Conf. Volume 44, 2018.7

3. 3) Robert Cichowiczl, Artur Stelegowski:The PMV and PPD indices in the selected boiler room, 10th Conference on Interdisciplinary Problems in Environmental Protection and Engineering EKO-DOK 2018, E3S Web Conf. Volume 44, 2018.7

4. 4) Shuzo MURAKAMI, Shinsuke KATO, Yasushi KONDO, Yoshihumi TAKAHASHI, Dongho CHOI : Numerical Study on Thermal Environment in Air-conditioned Room by means of Coupled Simulation of Convective and Radiative Heat Transport Part.1 Method for Coupling Convective Simulation and Radiative Simulation, Technical Papers, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, No.57, pp.105-116, 1995.2 村上周三,加藤信介,近藤靖史,高橋義文, 崔棟皓:対流場,放射場の連成シミ ュレーションによる冷房室内の温熱環境解析 第 1 報 連成シミュレーシ ョンの解法と室内モデルへの適用, 空気調和・衛生工学会論文集, No.57, pp.105-116, 1995.2

5. 5) Akira TAKAHASHI, Yousuke TOCHIMOTO, Shuuji TAKEUCHI, Noriyoshi YOKOO : A study on indoor thermal environment and generating efficiency in coal fired power plant, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, Environmental Engineering, pp.221-222, 2013.8 髙橋章,橡本陽介,武内修二,横尾昇剛:石炭火力発電所における温熱環境と発電効率に関する研究 その2 断熱材による室温上昇と一次エネルギー削減量, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集, 環境工学, pp.221-222, 2013.8








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