1. 1) IEA (2020), Covid-19 impact on electricity, IEA, Paris https://www.iea.org/reports/covid-19-impact-on-electricity, (2020-6-1 access)
2. 2) Christoph J. Meinrenken, Vijay Modi, Kathleen R. Mckeown AND Patricia J. Culligan, Columbia University, State of the Planet, “New Data Suggest COVID-19 Is Shifting the Burden of Energy Costs to Households”, https://blogs.ei.columbia.edu/2020/04/21/covid-19-energy-costs-households/, in 2020-4-21, (2020-5-30 access)
3. 3) Scott Hinson, Renewable Energy World, “COVID-19 is changing residential electricity demand”, https://www.renewableenergyworld.com/2020/04/09/covid-19-is-changing-residential-electricity-demand/ , in 2020-4-9, (2020-6-1 access)
4. 4) CHRISTOPH J. MEINRENKEN, VIJAY MODI, KATHLEEN R. MCKEOWN AND PATRICIA J. CULLIGAN, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, State of the Planet, “New Data Suggest COVID-19 Is Shifting the Burden of Energy Costs to Households”, https://blogs.ei.columbia.edu/2020/04/21/covid-19-energy-costs-households/, in 2020-4-21, (2020-5-30 access)