1. 1) Nakagawa, T., Aoki, K., Harada, N. and Tachibana, K.: The Effect of Quality of Brace on Lateral Resistance of Bracing Shear wall, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, Structure III, pp.91-92, 2014. 7 (in Japanese) 中川貴文, 青木謙治, 原田直希, 立花和樹:筋かいの品質の差異が耐力壁の性能に及ぼす影響, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集, 構造 III, pp. 91-92, 2014. 7
2. 2) Nomoto, K., Tsuruta, J., Sugimoto, Y., Terui, K. and Ohashi, Y.: Experimental Study on Influence of Defective Braces of Structural Performance (Part1: Disadvantage of Braces), Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, Structure III, pp.287-288, 2013. 7 (in Japanese) 野本浩平, 鶴田純一, 杉本泰輝, 照井清貴, 大橋好光:筋かい材の不具合が構造的性能に及ぼす影響に関する実験的研究 その 1 筋かいの欠点について, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集, 構造 III, pp.287-288, 2013. 7
3. 3) Aoki, K., Hayashizaki, N., Sugimoto, K., Tsuchimoto, T.: Effect of mechanical properties of framing members on performance of shear wall: Part 1. Outline of experiment and results of using visual grading timber, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, Structure III, pp.293-294, 2010. 7 (in Japanese) 青木謙治, 林崎正伸, 杉本健一, 槌本敬大:軸組材の品質の差異が耐力壁の性能に及ぼす影響 その1 実験概要と目視等級区分製材による検証結果, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集, 構造 III, pp. 293-294, 2010. 7
4. 4) Sugimoto, K., Aoki, K., Hayashizaki, N., Tsuchimoto, T.: Effect of mechanical properties of framing members on performance of shear wall: Part 2. Results of using mechanical grading members, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, Structure III, pp.295-296, 2010. 7 (in Japanese) 杉本健一, 青木謙治, 林崎正伸, 杉本健一, 槌本敬大:軸組材の品質の差異が耐力壁の性能に及ぼす影響 その 2 機械等級区分製材による検証結果, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集, 構造 III, pp. 295-296, 2010. 7
5. 5) Hayashizaki, N., K., Aoki, K., Sugimoto, Tsuchimoto, T.: Effect of mechanical properties of framing members on performance of shear wall: Part 3. Results of using timber graded by specific density, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, Structure III, pp.297-298, 2010. 7 (in Japanese) 林崎正伸, 青木謙治, 杉本健一, 槌本敬大:軸組材の品質の差異が耐力壁の性能に及ぼす影響 その 3 密度によって分類した製材による検証結果, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集, 構造 III, pp. 297-298, 2010. 7