1. 1) National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management and Building Research Institute: Report on Field Surveys and Subsequent Investigations of Building Damage Following the 2011 Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake, 2012. 3 (in Japanese) 国土技術政策総合研究所, 建築研究所: 平成23 年 (2011 年)東北地方太平洋沖地震被害調査報告書, 2012. 3
2. 2) National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management and Building Research Institute: Quick Report on Field Surveys and Subsequent Investigation of Building Damage Following the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake, 2016. 9 (in Japanese) 国土技術政策総合研究所, 建築研究所: 平成28 年 (2016 年)熊本地震建築物被害調査報告書 (速報), 2016. 9
3. 3) Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism: On Specific Ceiling and Its Structurally Safe Measures, Notice by MLIT, No. 771, 2013. 4 (in Japanese) 国土交通省: 特定天井及び特定天井の構造耐力上安全な構造方法を定める件, 国土交通省告示第771 号, 2013. 4
4. 4) Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism: On Specific Ceiling and Its Structurally Safe Measures (Amendment), Notice by MLIT, No. 791, 2016. 5 (in Japanese) 国土交通省: 特定天井および特定天井の構造耐力上安全な構造方法を定める件 (改正), 国土交通省告示第791 号, 2016. 5
5. 5) Building Performance Standardization Association: On the Technical Standards of Ceiling Collapse Countermeasures in Buildings, 2013. 7 (in Japanese) 建築性能基準推進協会: 建築物における天井脱落対策に係る技術基準の逐条解説, 2013. 7