1. 1) Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare: Summary of survey results of Japanese orphans in China, (As of November 30, 3st year of Reiwa), (accessed 2021.12.10)(In Japanese) 厚生労働省:中国残留邦人の状況(令和 3 年 11 月 30 日現在)(参照 2021.12.10) https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/bunya/engo/seido02/kojitoukei.html
2. 2) Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare: Summary of survey results of Japanese orphans in China, 2015 (In Japanese) 厚生労働省:中国残留邦人等実態調査結果の概要, 2015
3. 3) Public interest incorporated foundation, Assistance found of Japanese orphans in China, The support and communication center for Japanese people from China: The result summary of questionnaire survey for second and third generation of Japanese people from China, 2020.5 (In Japanese) 公益財団法人, 中国残留孤児援護基金, 中国帰国者支援・交流セ ンター:中国帰国者二三世質問紙調査の結果概要, 2020.5
4. 4) Immigration Services Agency of Japan: Statistics of Foreign Residents (formerly Registered Foreigners) Statistics Table, (accessed 2021.2.10 )(In Japanese) 出入国在留管理庁:在留外国人統計(旧登録外国人統計)統計表(参照 2021.2.10) https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/policies/statistics/toukei_ichiran_touroku.html
5. 5) Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Social Welfare and War Victims' Relief Bureau, Relief Division of Remaining Japanese Orphans in China: A list of care business offices that can support Chinese language service (As of September 30, 2nd year of Reiwa), 2020.12(In Japanese) 厚生労働省社会・援護局, 援護企画課中国残留邦人等支援室:中国語の対応が可能な介護事業所一覧(令和2年9月30日時点), 2020.12