Gondard Françoise Delon et Danielle
AbstractA chain-closed field is defined as a chainable field (i.e. a real field such that, for all n ∈ N, ΣK2n+2 ≠ ΣK2n) which does not admit any “faithful” algebraic extension, and can also be seen as a field having a Henselian valuation ν such that the residue field K/ν is real closed and the value group νK is odd divisible with ∣νK/2νK∣ = 2. If K admits only one such valuation, we show that f ∈ K(X) is in ΣK(X)2n for any real algebraic extension L of K,“f(L) ⊆ ΣL2n” holds. The conclusion is also true for K = R((t))(a chainable but not chain-closed field), and in the case n = 1 it holds for several variables and any real field K.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)