Fruit and seed biometry and determination of the water absorption curve of Sesbania virgata (Cav.) Pers.


Acchile S,Costa R N,Silva L K,Santos J CC,Santos D MR,Silva J V


The species Sesbania virgata (Cav.) Pers., Fabaceae popularly known as Sesbania or Feijão do Mato, presents potential in the use in areas of afforestation and reforestation forests riparian and degraded areas. The aim of this study was to characterize the biometric of fruits and seeds and determine the germination pattern of the sesbânia seeds. The biometry of the seeds and fruits were established through the characterization of 250 fruits and 500 seeds, which were distributed in frequency classes through position, dispersion and normality measurements. The weight of one thousand seeds (PMS) was determined using eight sub samples of the 100 seeds. For to study of the water absorption curve of the seeds were used two replicates of 100 seeds, it weighed in 32 intervals. In this sense, the biometric fruits aspects of S. virgata presented average values for length, width, thickness, weight and number of seeds per fruit of 5.87 cm, 0.78 cm, 0.58 cm, 0.85 g and 5 units, respectively. In relation to the seeds, the average length, width, thickness and seed weight were 0.623 cm; 0.439 cm; 0.316 cm and 0.075 g, respectively. The water absorption of S. virgata seed imbibition presented triphasic pattern, resembling several species of the same family.


Scientific Electronic Archives

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