Assessment of serpulid-hydroid association through the Jurassic: A case study from the Polish Basin


Słowiński JakubORCID,Surmik DawidORCID,Duda Piotr,Zatoń MichałORCID


The coexistence of sessile, tube-dwelling polychaetes (serpulids) and hydroids, has been investigated. Serpulid tubes bearing traces after hydroids are derived from different stratigraphic intervals spanning the Middle and Upper Jurassic, the rocks of which represent the diverse paleoenvironments of the Polish Basin. Although fossil colonial hydroids classified under the speciesProtulophila gestroiare a commonly occurring symbiont of these polychaetes during the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic, they seem to be significantly less frequent during the Jurassic and limited to specific paleoenvironments. The hydroids described here are represented by traces after a thin stolonal network with elongated polyp chambers that open to the outer polychaete tube’s surface with small, more or less subcircular apertures. Small chimney-like bulges around openings are an effect of the incorporation of the organism byin vivoembedment (bioclaustration) within the outer layers of the calcareous tube of the serpulid host. Considering the rich collection of well-preserved serpulid tubes (>3000 specimens), the frequency of bioclaustrated hydroids is very low, with an infestation percentage of only 0.6% (20 cases). It has been noticed that only specimens of the genusPropomatocerosfrom the Upper Bajocian, Lower Bathonian, Middle Bathonian, and Callovian have been found infested. However, the majority of bioclaustrated hydroids (17 cases) have been recorded in the Middle Bathonian serpulid speciesPropomatoceros lumbricaliscoming from a single sampled site. Representatives of other genera are not affected, which is congruent with previous reports indicating thatProtulophila gestroiwas strongly selective in the choice of its host. A presumably commensal relationship is compared with the recent symbiosis between the hydroids of the genusProboscidactylaand certain genera of sabellid polychaetes.


Public Library of Science (PLoS)









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