Growth, survivorship, and predator avoidance capability of larval shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) in response to delayed feeding


Hardy Ryan S.,Zadmajid VahidORCID,Butts Ian A. E.,Litvak Matthew K.


Larval shortnose sturgeon, reared at 17°C, were subjected to delayed feeding treatments of 0, 5, 10, 15, 18, and 23 days post-yolk absorption to examine effects of food deprivation on growth, survival, swimming activity, and escape capabilities. Starvation affected growth and survival but despite degree of starvation, larvae were able to resume growth and experience high survivorship following feeding. Specific growth rate based on larval dry weight for the period directly following first feeding was highest for the day 15 and 18 delayed feeding treatments. There were no differences in survival between the 0 and 5 day treatments, however survival was reduced to 71.2%, 45.4%, and 28.8% for 10, 15, and 18 day delayed feeding treatments, respectively. Shortnose sturgeon had a point-of-no-return (PNR; 55.7% initiated feeding) at ~19 days (or 42 days post-fertilization) following the full absorption of yolk. Mean percent swimming activity and swimming speeds showed an interaction between delayed feeding treatment and larval age, such that no differences were detected at 1 and 6 days post-yolk absorption, while these swimming behaviors generally increased or spiked as feeding was delayed for 10, 15, and 18 days post-yolk absorption. At 23 days post-yolk absorption, only swimming speed increased for larvae that were denied food for 18 days. While there was an interaction between delayed feeding treatments and age for proportion of larvae exhibiting an escape response, generally, larvae from all feeding treatments exhibited a positive escape response. There were also interactions between delayed feeding treatments and age post-yolk absorption for mean and maximum escape speeds, such that less aggressive escape responses were typically detected the longer larvae were denied food. Our research suggests that larval shortnose sturgeon increase physical activity during periods of starvation to find a food patch while remaining vigilant but maybe not as capable to defend against a predatory attack as fed individuals.


Alabama Agriculture Experimental Station and the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Hatch project

Sir James Dunn Research Center Fund, World Wildlife Fund Canada and Canadian Wildlife Service Endangered Species Research Fund, NB Wildlife Trust Fund

NSERC Discovery grants


Public Library of Science (PLoS)



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