It was hypothesized that single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) extracted from text-mined genes could be more tightly related to causal variant for each trait and that differentially weighting of this SNP panel in the GBLUP model could improve the performance of genomic prediction in cattle. Fitting two GRMs constructed by text-mined SNPs and SNPs except text-mined SNPs from 777k SNPs set (exp_777K) as different random effects showed better accuracy than fitting one GRM (Im_777K) for six traits (e.g. backfat thickness: + 0.002, eye muscle area: + 0.014, Warner–Bratzler Shear Force ofsemimembranosusandlongissimus dorsi: + 0.024 and + 0.068, intramuscular fat content ofsemimembranosusandlongissimus dorsi: + 0.008 and + 0.018). These results can suggest that attempts to incorporate text mining into genomic predictions seem valuable, and further study using text mining can be expected to present the significant results.
Public Library of Science (PLoS)
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