Web-based data analysis and visualization tools are mostly designed for specific purposes, such as the analysis of data from whole transcriptome RNA sequencing or single-cell RNA sequencing. However, generic tools designed for the analysis of common laboratory data for noncomputational scientists are also needed. The importance of such web-based tools is emphasized by the continuing increases in the sample capacity of conventional laboratory tools such as quantitative PCR, flow cytometry or ELISA instruments. We present a web-based application FaDA, developed with the R Shiny package that provides users with the ability to perform statistical group comparisons, including parametric and nonparametric tests, with multiple testing corrections suitable for most standard wet-laboratory analyses. FaDA provides data visualizations such as heatmaps, principal component analysis (PCA) plots, correlograms and receiver operating curves (ROCs). Calculations are performed through the R language. The FaDA application provides a free and intuitive interface that allows biologists without bioinformatic skill to easily and quickly perform common laboratory data analyses. The application is freely accessible at https://shiny-bird.univ-nantes.fr/app/Fada.
European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
French National Research Agency
Foundation Centaure (RTRS), which supports a French Transplantation Research Network
DHU Oncogreffe
Nantes Métropole and Région Pays de la Loire which also support the IHU-Cesti project
Public Library of Science (PLoS)