Social support in older adults: Validation and norm values of a brief form of the Perceived Social Support Questionnaire (F-SozU K-6)


Reinwarth Anna C.ORCID,Petersen Julia,Beutel Manfred E.,Hautzinger Martin,Brähler ElmarORCID


Background Social relations are crucial for maintaining physical and mental health across the life span. As social roles, networks and needs change with age a valid assessment of social support in older adults and age-specific norms are necessary. The present work aims to [1) assess the level of social support in individuals > 60 years of the general German population, [2) evaluate the brief six-item form of the Perceived Social Support Questionnaire (F-SozU K-6) in this age group and to [3) provide age-specific norm values. Methods We analyze data of N = 706 people representative for the German population collected in 2021. To assess social support, we used the F-SozU K-6. We tested for selectivity, item difficulty, internal consistency, construct and factor validity, as well as factorial invariance. Additionally, we assessed correlations and associations with depression, loneliness, and sociodemographic factors. Furthermore, we reported norm values for respondents > 60 years. Results Participants > 60 years reported a mean level of 23.97 (SD = 4.82) of social support. Results of the CFA confirmed a very good model fit. Measurement invariance across sex and age was shown. Associations with ADS and LS-S supported construct validity. Multiple regression analysis showed that female sex, increasing age, having a partner, and a higher equivalized household income were associated with higher levels of social support. Conclusion The F-SozU K-6 is a reliable and economical tool to assess perceived social support in older adults. Norm values for individual > 60 years are provided.


Public Library of Science (PLoS)







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