Extracellular matrix proteins produced by stromal cells in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and lung adenocarcinoma


Kreus MerviORCID,Lehtonen SiriORCID,Skarp Sini,Kaarteenaho Riitta


Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and lung cancer share common risk factors, epigenetic and genetic alterations, the activation of similar signaling pathways and poor survival. The aim of this study was to examine the gene expression profiles of stromal cells from patients with IPF and lung adenocarcinoma (ADC) as well as from normal lung. The gene expression levels of cultured stromal cells derived from non-smoking patients with ADC from the tumor (n = 4) and the corresponding normal lung (n = 4) as well as from patients with IPF (n = 4) were investigated with Affymetrix microarrays. The expression of collagen type IV alpha 1 chain, periostin as well as matrix metalloproteinase-1 and -3 in stromal cells and lung tissues were examined with quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry, respectively. Twenty genes were similarly up- or down-regulated in IPF and ADC compared to control, while most of the altered genes in IPF and ADC were differently expressed, including several extracellular matrix genes. Collagen type IV alpha 1 chain as well as matrix metalloproteinases-1 and -3 were differentially expressed in IPF compared to ADC. Periostin was up-regulated in both IPF and ADC in comparison to control. All studied factors were localized by immunohistochemistry in stromal cells within fibroblast foci in IPF and stroma of ADC. Despite the similarities found in gene expressions of IPF and ADC, several differences were also detected, suggesting that the molecular changes occurring in these two lung illnesses are somewhat different.


Väinö ja Laina Kiven Säätiö

Suomen Tuberkuloosin Vastustamisyhdistyksen Säätiö

Hengityssairauksien Tutkimussäätiö

Tampereen Tuberkuloosisäätiö

Jalmari ja Rauha Ahokkaan Säätiö

the Research Foundation of North Finland

Oulu University Hospital


Public Library of Science (PLoS)










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