1. STATSSA-Statistics SA (2013) Mid-year population estimates 2013 Pretoria. Available: http://beta2.statssa.gov.za/. Accessed 2014 Nov 17.
2. National Department of Health (2003) Operational Plan for Comprehensive HIV and AIDS Care, Management and Treatment for South Africa [Report]. Pretoria, South Africa: National Department of Health. Available: http://www.hst.org.za/publications/operational-plan-comprehensive-hiv-and-aids-care-management-and-treatment-south-africa. Accessed 2014 Nov 17.
3. STATSSA-Statistics SA (2011) Mid-year population estimates 2011 Pretoria. Available from: http://beta2.statssa.gov.za/. Accessed 2014 Nov 17.
4. National Department of Health (2011) National Strategic Plan on HIV, STI's and TB Pretoria, South Africa: National Department of Health. Available: http://www.thepresidency.gov.za/MediaLib/Downloads/Home/Publications/SANACCallforNominations/A5summary12-12.pdf. Accessed 2014 Nov 17.
5. National Department of Health (2008) Policy and Guidelines for the Implementation of the PMTCT Programme Pretoria, South Africa: National Department of Health. Available: http://southafrica.usembassy.gov/root/pdfs/2008-pmtct.pdf. Accessed 2014 Oct 20.