1. The invertebrates: smaller coelomate groups;LH Hyman,1959
2. Phylogenkse des Phoronida, Les Lophophorates et le concept des Archimerata;CC Emig;Zeitschrift f u r zoologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung,1976
3. Le lophophore-structure significative des Lophophorates (Brachiopoda, Bryozoa, Phoronida);CC Emig;Zoological Scripta,1976
4. Un nouvel embranchement: les Lophophorates;CC Emig;Bulletin de la Societe zoologique de France,1977
5. Preliminary note on the structure, development and affinitis of Phoronis;WH Caldwell;Proc Roy Soc L,1882