Relaxing the restricted structural dynamics in the human hepatitis B virus RNA encapsidation signal enables replication initiation in vitro


Dörnbrack Katharina,Beck JürgenORCID,Nassal MichaelORCID


Hepadnaviruses, including hepatitis B virus (HBV) as a major human pathogen, replicate their tiny 3 kb DNA genomes by capsid-internal protein-primed reverse transcription of a pregenomic (pg) RNA. Initiation requires productive binding of the viral polymerase, P protein, to a 5´ proximal bipartite stem-loop, the RNA encapsidation signal ε. Then a residue in the central ε bulge directs the covalent linkage of a complementary dNMP to a Tyr sidechain in P protein´s Terminal Protein (TP) domain. After elongation by two or three nucleotides (nt) the TP-linked DNA oligo is transferred to a 3´ proximal acceptor, enabling full-length minus-strand DNA synthesis. No direct structural data are available on hepadnaviral initiation complexes but their cell-free reconstitution with P protein and ε RNA (Dε) from duck HBV (DHBV) provided crucial mechanistic insights, including on a major conformational rearrangement in the apical Dε part. Analogous cell-free systems for human HBV led at most to P—ε binding but no detectable priming. Here we demonstrate that local relaxation of the highly basepaired ε upper stem, by mutation or via synthetic split RNAs, enables ε-dependent in vitro priming with full-length P protein from eukaryotic translation extract yet also, and without additional macromolecules, with truncated HBV miniP proteins expressed in bacteria. Using selective 2-hydroxyl acylation analyzed by primer extension (SHAPE) we confirm that upper stem destabilization correlates with in vitro priming competence and show that the supposed bulge-closing basepairs are largely unpaired even in wild-type ε. We define the two 3´ proximal nt of this extended bulge as main initiation sites and provide evidence for a Dε-like opening of the apical ε part upon P protein binding. Beyond new HBV-specific basic aspects our novel in vitro priming systems should facilitate the development of high-throughput screens for priming inhibitors targeting this highly virus-specific process.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

University of Freiburg


Public Library of Science (PLoS)


Virology,Genetics,Molecular Biology,Immunology,Microbiology,Parasitology

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