The timing of HIV-1 infection of cells that persist on therapy is not strongly influenced by replication competency or cellular tropism of the provirus


Joseph Sarah B.ORCID,Abrahams Melissa-Rose,Moeser Matthew,Tyers Lynn,Archin Nancie M.,Council Olivia D.,Sondgeroth Amy,Spielvogel Ean,Emery Ann,Zhou Shuntai,Doolabh Deelan,Ismail Sherazaan D.,Karim Salim Abdool,Margolis David M.,Pond Sergei Kosakovsky,Garrett Nigel,Swanstrom RonaldORCID,Williamson CarolynORCID


People with HIV-1 (PWH) on antiretroviral therapy (ART) can maintain undetectable virus levels, but a small pool of infected cells persists. This pool is largely comprised of defective proviruses that may produce HIV-1 proteins but are incapable of making infectious virus, with only a fraction (~10%) of these cells harboring intact viral genomes, some of which produce infectious virus following ex vivo stimulation (i.e. inducible intact proviruses). A majority of the inducible proviruses that persist on ART are formed near the time of therapy initiation. Here we compared proviral DNA (assessed here as 3’ half genomes amplified from total cellular DNA) and inducible replication competent viruses in the pool of infected cells that persists during ART to determine if the original infection of these cells occurred at comparable times prior to therapy initiation. Overall, the average percent of proviruses that formed late (i.e. around the time of ART initiation, 60%) did not differ from the average percent of replication competent inducible viruses that formed late (69%), and this was also true for proviral DNA that was hypermutated (57%). Further, there was no evidence that entry into the long-lived infected cell pool was impeded by the ability to use the CXCR4 coreceptor, nor was the formation of long-lived infected cells enhanced during primary infection, when viral loads are exceptionally high. We observed that infection of cells that transitioned to be long-lived was enhanced among people with a lower nadir CD4+ T cell count. Together these data suggest that the timing of infection of cells that become long-lived is impacted more by biological processes associated with immunodeficiency before ART than the replication competency and/or cellular tropism of the infecting virus or the intactness of the provirus. Further research is needed to determine the mechanistic link between immunodeficiency and the timing of infected cells transitioning to the long-lived pool, particularly whether this is due to differences in infected cell clearance, turnover rates and/or homeostatic proliferation before and after ART.


National Institutes of Health

South African Department of Science and Technology and the National Research Foundation’s Centre of Excellence in HIV Prevention

South African Department of Health and the South African Medical Research Council Special Initiative on HIV Prevention


South African National Research Foundation

Welcome Trust


Public Library of Science (PLoS)







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