Uncomplicated and complicated acute appendicitis seem to be two different forms of this common abdominal emergency. The contribution of appendiceal microbiota to appendicitis pathogenesis has been suggested, but differences between uncomplicated and complicated appendicitis are largely unknown. We compared the appendiceal microbiota in uncomplicated and complicated acute appendicitis.
This prospective single-center clinical cohort study was conducted as part of larger multicenter MAPPAC trial enrolling adult patients with computed tomography or clinically confirmed uncomplicated or complicated acute appendicitis. The microbial composition of the appendiceal lumen was determined using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing.
Between April 11, 2017, and March 29, 2019, 118 samples (41 uncomplicated and 77 complicated appendicitis) were available. After adjusting for age, sex, and BMI, alpha diversity in complicated appendicitis was higher (Shannon p = 0.011, Chao1 p = 0.006) compared to uncomplicated appendicitis. Microbial compositions were different between uncomplicated and complicated appendicitis (Bray-Curtis distance, P = 0.002). Species poor appendiceal microbiota composition with specific predominant bacteria was present in some patients regardless of appendicitis severity.
Uncomplicated and complicated acute appendicitis have different appendiceal microbiome profiles further supporting the disconnection between these two different forms of acute appendicitis.
Study registration
ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03257423.
Mary and Georg C. Ehrnrooth Foundation
Sigrid Juséliuksen Säätiö
Turun Yliopistollinen Keskussairaala
Maud Kuistilan Muistosäätiö
Paulo foundation
Turun Yliopisto
Turun Suomalainen Yliopistoseura
Public Library of Science (PLoS)
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12 articles.