Contextual and individual factors associated with self-reported tooth loss among adults and elderly residents in rural riverside areas: A cross-sectional household-based survey


de Souza Vitor Guilherme Lima,Herkrath Fernando JoséORCID,Garnelo Luiza,Gomes Andréia Coelho,Lemos Uriel Madureira,Parente Rosana Cristina Pereira,Herkrath Ana Paula Corrêa de QueirozORCID


Background Tooth loss is an oral health condition with high prevalence and negative impact on quality of life. It is the result of the history of oral diseases and their treatment as well as provision of dental care and access to dental services. Socioeconomic characteristics are determinants of tooth loss and living in rural areas is also a risk factor for its incidence. Objective To identify contextual and individual factors associated with self-reported tooth loss among adults and elderly people living in rural riverside areas. Methods A cross-sectional household-based survey was conducted in 2019 with rural riverside communities on the left bank of the Rio Negro River, Manaus, Amazonas. These communities are covered by a fluvial health team and two riverside health teams. Interviews were conducted in a representative random sample of dwellers aged ≥ 18 years, using electronic forms to obtain information on oral health conditions, demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, and use of and access to health services. The outcome was self-reported tooth loss. After the descriptive analysis of the data, a multilevel Poisson regression analysis was performed to estimate the prevalence ratio for the outcome. Variables with p-value ≤0.20 in the bivariate analyses were included in the multiple analysis considering the hierarchy between individual and contextual variables in the multilevel model. Variables with p-value ≤0.10 were kept in the final model and the significance level adopted was 0.05. Results 603 individuals from 357 households were assessed (mean age 44.1 years). The average number of missing teeth was 11.2 (±11.6); 27.4% of individuals had lost more than 20 teeth (non-functional dentition) and 12.1% were completely edentulous. Contextual characteristic of primary healthcare offered was associated with the outcome. The tooth loss was lower in territories covered by riverside health teams. At individual level, tooth loss was greater in older individuals who had experienced dental pain over the past six months and whose sugar consumption was high. Black or brown individuals, individuals whose household income was higher, those who were on the Bolsa Família cash transfer program, those who consulted a dentist over the past year, and those who reported satisfaction with their teeth/oral health reported less tooth loss. Conclusion Tooth loss was associated with contextual territorial factors related to the healthcare service and individual demographic, behavioral, socioeconomic, and service-related characteristics as well as self-perceived oral health conditions. The findings suggest that actions focused on the oral health of these populations involve not only changes in the healthcare service organization, but also intersectoral policies that contribute to reducing social inequalities.


Fundação Oswaldo Cruz

Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior

Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas


Public Library of Science (PLoS)



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