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2. World Health Organization (2010) Evolution of a pandemic: A(H1N1) 2009, April 2009–March 2010. Geneva: World Health Organization.
3. EuroFlu Weekly Electronic Bulletin-Week 2 (2011) Available: http://www.euroflu.org/cgi-files/bulletin_v2.cgi.Accessed 2011 Nov 22.
4. Infectious Disease Surveillance Center (2011) Infectious Agents Surveillance Report- The Topic of This Month- 2010/11 influenza season, Japan. Available: http://idsc.nih.go.jp/iasr/32/381/tpc381.html. Accessed 2011 Nov 21.
5. Hong Kong Center for Health Protection (2011) Flu Express-Volume 8, Number 5. Available: http://www.chp.gov.hk/files/pdf/flu_express_week5_2_2_2011.pdf. Accessed 2011 Nov 21.