PairMotif: A New Pattern-Driven Algorithm for Planted (l, d) DNA Motif Search


Yu Qiang,Huo Hongwei,Zhang Yipu,Guo Hongzhi


Public Library of Science (PLoS)



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2. A Comparative Analysis for Generating Common d-Neighborhood on Planted Motif Search Problem;Intelligent Computing & Optimization;2022-10-21

3. A Review on Planted (l, d) Motif Discovery Algorithms for Medical Diagnose;Sensors;2022-02-05

4. LL-PMS8: A time efficient approach to solve planted motif search problem;Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences;2020-11

5. An efficient algorithm for identifying (ℓ, d) motif from huge DNA datasets;Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing;2020-05-01







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