Unravelling some factors affecting sexual reproduction in rock-specialist shrub: Insight from an endemic Daphne arbuscula (Thymelaeaceae)


Gajdošová ZuzanaORCID,Šlenker Marek,Svitok Marek,Šrámková GabrielaORCID,Blanár Drahoš,Cetlová Veronika,Kučera Jaromír,Turisová Ingrid,Turis Peter,Slovák MarekORCID


The role of endemic species in global biodiversity is pivotal, and understanding their biology and ecology is imperative for their fitness and long-term survival, particularly in the face of ongoing climatic oscillations. Our primary goal was to investigate the sexual reproduction level of the endangered Western Carpathian endemic Daphne arbuscula (Thymelaeaceae), which inhabits extreme rocky habitats, and to comprehend the influence of specific factors on its reproductive success. We conducted the research across four populations, varying in size and environmental conditions. Over two years, we monitored flower and fruit production, analyzed genetic variability within and among populations, and studied pollination mechanisms. Daphne arbuscula proved to be strictly self-incompatible, with significant variations in flower and fruit production among populations and seasons. The average fruit production percentage consistently remained below 50% across populations, indicating challenges in sexual reproduction. Cold and harsh weather during the reproductive phase had a substantial negative impact on sexual reproduction efficacy, leading to decreased fruit production. Nevertheless, several individuals in sheltered microhabitats displayed significantly higher fruit production, ranging from 60% to 83%, emphasizing the critical role of microhabitat heterogeneity in sustaining sexual reproduction in this species. We found no pronounced differences in genetic diversity within or among populations, suggesting that genetic factors may not critically influence the reproductive success of this endemic species. The implications of our findings might be of paramount importance for the long-term survival of D. arbuscula and offer valuable insights for the development of effective conservation strategies for this species.


Agentúra na Podporu Výskumu a Vývoja

Agentúra Ministerstva Školstva, Vedy, Výskumu a Športu SR

Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew

Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure (OPII), funded by the ERDF

Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a Tělovýchovy


Public Library of Science (PLoS)

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