Binding free energy decomposition and multiple unbinding paths of buried ligands in a PreQ1 riboswitch


Hu Guodong,Zhou Huan-XiangORCID


Riboswitches are naturally occurring RNA elements that control bacterial gene expression by binding to specific small molecules. They serve as important models for RNA-small molecule recognition and have also become a novel class of targets for developing antibiotics. Here, we carried out conventional and enhanced-sampling molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, totaling 153.5 μs, to characterize the determinants of binding free energies and unbinding paths for the cognate and synthetic ligands of a PreQ1 riboswitch. Binding free energy analysis showed that two triplets of nucleotides, U6-C15-A29 and G5-G11-C16, contribute the most to the binding of the cognate ligands, by hydrogen bonding and by base stacking, respectively. Mg2+ ions are essential in stabilizing the binding pocket. For the synthetic ligands, the hydrogen-bonding contributions of the U6-C15-A29 triplet are significantly compromised, and the bound state resembles the apo state in several respects, including the disengagement of the C15-A14-A13 and A32-G33 base stacks. The bulkier synthetic ligands lead to significantly loosening of the binding pocket, including extrusion of the C15 nucleobase and a widening of the C15-C30 groove. Enhanced-sampling simulations further revealed that the cognate and synthetic ligands unbind in almost opposite directions. Our work offers new insight for designing riboswitch ligands.


national institutes of health

Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province

National Natural Science Foundation of China


Public Library of Science (PLoS)


Computational Theory and Mathematics,Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience,Genetics,Molecular Biology,Ecology,Modeling and Simulation,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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