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2. Automatic Text Simplification
3. W3C. Web Content Accesibility Guidelines (WCAG); 2019. Available from: https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/wcag/.
4. Make It Simple, European Guidelines for the Production of Easy-to-Read Information for People with Learning Disability for authors, editors, information providers, translators and other interested persons;G Freyhoff;International League of Societies for Persons with Mental Handicap European Association, Brussels,1998
5. Smith K, Hallam G, Ghosh SB. Guidelines for professional library/information educational programs-2012. IFLA Education and Training Section, IFLA, The Hague, available at: www.ifla.org/publications/guidelinesfor-professionallibraryinformationeducational-programs-2012 (accessed 25 August 2014). 2012;.