Relevance. In children with H. pylori-induced HG, an imbalance in serum IL was detected in the acute phase. The study of the relationship between IL and other diagnostic markers in children with H. pylori-induced COGs will allow pathogenetic mechanisms to be established.
Objective. Study the relationship between IL and IL-8-251 TBAA genotype in children with chronic H. pylori-induced gastritis.
Materials and methods. 116 children with chronic H. pylori-induced gastritis (the main group) aged 7-17 years were examined and divided into 2 groups: Group IA (n = 65) – children with CG associated with H. pylori CagA «+»; І-B group (n = 51) – children with СG, associated with H. pylori CagA «-». The control group consisted of 30 children of the same age. In 65 children in gastrobiopaths, H. pylori antigen in DNA samples detected H. pylori antigen by PCR and / or a total IgG antibody to the serum CagA antigen. The polymorphism of IL-8 (-251) (T>A) was determined by PCR-RFLP.
Results. in children with H. pylori-induced COG, elevations in serum IL-1β and IL-8 and an increase in IL-4, IL-10 were observed in the exacerbation phase. In all 116 children, histological changes are characteristic of chronic gastritis induced by H. pylori. The following genotypes of IL-8 -251 (T>A) were revealed: T/A was 61 (52,6 %) children, T/T was 32 (26,7 %) children, A/A was 23 (19,8 %) children.
Conclusions. In children with chronic gastritis induced by H. pylori, an increase in pro-inflammatory IL-1β and IL-8 (p<0,001) and increased anti-inflammatory IL-4 (p>0,005) and IL-10 ( p>0,05). The integral cytokine index can serve as a criterion for the effectiveness of AGBT in children with HC. Children with chronic gastritis, carriers of the IL-8 T/A genotype form a high-risk group for H. pylori infection, and the specified genotype may serve as an additional diagnostic criterion for H. pylori infection.
Bogomolets National Medical University
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